Explore How MEMS Accelerometer Work, and How They are Used in Various Industrial Applications

Working Principle of MEMS Accelerometer

MEMS accelerometer, also known as microelectromechanical system accelerometer, are small, highly precise sensors that are used to measure angular velocity and orientation. They are commonly used in a variety of applications, including smartphones, drones, and other electronic devices. In this article, we will explore how MEMS accelerometer work and the principles behind their operation.


Basic principle

MEMS accelerometer operate on the principle of angular momentum. Angular momentum is a measure of an object’s rotational motion, and it is defined as the product of the object’s mass, its velocity, and its radius. When an object rotates, it possesses angular momentum, and the magnitude of this angular momentum depends on the object’s mass, velocity, and radius.

Working principle

MEMS accelerometer consist of a small, microscale device that is suspended on a flexible structure. This device, called a proof mass, is free to move in any direction. When the proof mass is subjected to angular acceleration, it experiences a force that is proportional to the angular acceleration and the mass of the proof mass. This force causes the proof mass to move, and the movement of the proof mass is detected by sensors, which measure the displacement of the proof mass.


When a MEMS gyroscope is subjected to angular acceleration, the proof mass experiences a force that causes it to move. The movement of the proof mass is detected by sensors, which measure the displacement of the proof mass. The displacement of the proof mass is proportional to the angular acceleration of the gyroscope, and this information is used to calculate the angular velocity of the gyroscope.

MGA1000 Single Axis MEMS Gyro with Triaxial Accelerometer

Types of MEMS accelerometer

There are several types of MEMS accelerometer, including mechanical accelerometer, vibrating accelerometer, and optical accelerometer. Each type of gyroscope works on a slightly different principle, but they all rely on the basic principles of angular momentum and the movement of a proof mass in response to angular acceleration.


MEMS accelerometer are highly precise and reliable sensors that are used in a variety of applications. They rely on the principles of angular momentum and the movement of a proof mass in response to angular acceleration to measure and detect angular velocity and orientation.

Advantages of MEMS accelerometer

One of the main advantages of MEMS accelerometer is their small size and low cost. They are much smaller and cheaper than traditional accelerometer, which makes them ideal for use in a wide range of applications. In addition, MEMS accelerometer are highly reliable and accurate, making them an ideal choice for many applications that require precise measurement of angular velocity and orientation.

Industrial Applications of MEMS Accelerometer

MEMS accelerometer are used in a wide range of applications, including smartphones, drones, robotics, and more. They are an essential component in many modern electronic devices, helping to improve their accuracy, stability, and performance.

MAS3002 Triaxial MEMS Capacitive Accelerometer


One of the most common applications of MEMS accelerometer is in smartphones. Smartphones use accelerometer to detect and measure the orientation and movement of the device, which is used to provide a more immersive and interactiveuser experience. For example, accelerometer are used to enable features such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and motion-controlled games.

electronic compass sensor_


Accelerometer are also essential components in drones, helping to maintain their stability and control. Accelerometer are used in combination with other sensors, such as accelerometers and magnetometers, to provide a complete picture of the drone’s orientation and movement.



MEMS accelerometer are also used in robotics, helping to improve the accuracy and stability of these systems. Accelerometer are used in combination with other sensors, such as accelerometers and magnetometers, to provide a complete picture of the robot’s orientation and movement. This information is used to control the movement of the robot and improve its accuracy and precision.

Other applications

In addition to the applications mentioned above, MEMS accelerometer are also used in a wide range of other applications, including scientific research, surveying, and more. They are an essential component in many modern systems and devices that require precise measurement of angular velocity and orientation.